Assistant Professor of Livestock Medicine and Surgery UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Davis, California, United States
Grace VanHoy, DVM, MS, DACVIM-LA: No financial relationships to disclose
Presentation Description / Summary: This session will give a detailed review of the neurologic exam in livestock species, including sheep, goats, cattle, pigs, and camelids in the first half. In the second half, attendees will participate in an interactive, case-based discussion which will provide practice with the neurologic exam (normal and abnormal) using videos of patients.
Learner Outcomes: 1. Review the components of a focused neurologic exam in livestock species (sheep, goats, camelids, pigs, and cattle). 2. Recognize differences in neurologic exam components or interpretation in livestock species with different handling capabilities and sizes compared with small animal and equine neurologic exams. 3. Be able to recognize common neurologic abnormalities in livestock species when performing a physical exam.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, the participant will be able to list the components of a focused neurologic exam in livestock species (sheep, goats, camelids, pigs,
and cattle).
Upon completion, the participant will be able to recognize differences in neurologic exam components or interpretation in livestock species with different handling capabilities and sizes compared with small animal and equine neurologic exams.
Upon completion, the participant will be able to recognize common neurologic abnormalities in livestock species when performing a physical exam.