Consultant PetCancerConsulting and Southern Veterinary Partners Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Kim D. Johnson, DACVIM (Oncology): No financial relationships to disclose
Presentation Description / Summary: Many of us become veterinarians with the aspiration to practice clinical medicine. In most cases, we find success and fulfillment in clinical practice for several decades and many veterinarians spend their entire life in clinical medicine. Still others reach a point when clinical medicine is no longer fulfilling or, worse yet, it becomes daunting. The decision to move into a different realm of veterinary medicine or to completely leave veterinary medicine for an alternative path sounds stressful and troubling. In this lecture and discussion, Dr Kim Johnson will share the path she followed to transition to an alternative form of clinical practice. She will include the nonsuccesses she took and corrections she made along the way to find fulfillment and success.
Learner Outcomes: • Learn viable options to use your skills outside of clinical practice. • Gain the confidence to consider transitioning to another veterinary career. • Learn ways to explore other avenues towards alternative paths.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, participants will be able to list diverse non-clinical career opportunities available to veterinarians and identify the key skills required for success in each.
Upon completion, participants will be able to describe the steps involved in creating a structured action plan for transitioning to a non-clinical veterinary career, including self-assessment, skill development, and networking.
Upon completion, participants will be able to demonstrate strategies to address common challenges during a career transition, such as overcoming imposter syndrome, balancing financial considerations, and leveraging professional resources.