Chief Human Resources Officer MedVet Wortington, Ohio, United States
Maura A. Stevenson, PhD: No financial relationships to disclose
Presentation Description / Summary: Driving accountability within your team is crucial for individual and organizational success. However, creating a culture with high accountability may seem in opposition to creating a culture with high psychological safety. In this session, we will explore how accountability and psychological safety are actually complementary concepts and how to use them together. We'll review a four-step framework for creating accountability, learn what psychological safety actually is (leveraging the well-known framework from Harvard's Dr. Amy Edmondson), and discuss five ways to build psychological safety. We'll discuss how these two frameworks, when used effectively, can actually reinforce one another.
Learner Outcomes: 1) Understand and be able to apply a four-step framework for team accountability 2) Learn what psychological safety is -- and is not 3) Understand and be able to leverage five different behaviors to help create psychology safety 4) Be able to explain why accountability and psychology safety are not at odds with one another
Learning Objectives:
Use a four-part framework to build accountability
Describe what Psychological Safety is -- and what it isn't -- and how to create it
Describe how accountability and psychological safety interact with one another