Assistant Professor of Pediatrics University of Texas Southwestern Dallas, Texas, United States
Megan Griffiths, MD: No financial relationships to disclose
This session will review the defintions and classifications of pulmonary hypertension, including different clinical subtypes of pulmonary hypertension. The discussion will focus on assessing right ventricular function by echocardiogram, assessing risk for adverse outcomes in pulmonary hypertension, and considering the clinical subtype of pulmonary hypertension when determining treatment.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the hemodynamic definitions of pulmonary hypertension and recognize the different subtypes of pulmonary hypertension. Learners will be able to recognize the features of pre-capillary, post-capillary and combined pre/post capillary pulmonary hypertension
Use quantitative methods to assess right ventricular function, particularly echocardiographic findings of right ventricular failure
Understand the evidence for using risk assessment to determine PH therapy. Learners will be able to describe the evidence for frequent risk reassessment to adjust therapy, especially in first year of treatment.