Consultant, Founder of AVNT Academy of Veterinary Nutrition Technicians Lafayette, Indiana, United States
Kara M. Burns, MS, MEd, LVT, CVT, VTS (Nutrition): No relevant disclosure to display
Presentation Description / Summary: In cats, unintended weight loss has a significant impact on health and wellness. Weight loss that is not planned is often a sign of a more pressing underlying issue. A complete physical and nutritional evaluation should be performed to determine the underlying cause of the weight loss. Diseases that affect caloric intake, absorption of nutrients across the gut, and utilization of those nutrients should be investigated. If prolonged, inadequate nutrition resulting in weight loss may lead to the development of serious clinical sequelae such as hepatic lipidosis. A rational approach to the patient with unintentional weight loss is based upon a sound understanding of the relevant biologic, pathophysiologic, and environmental factors that may be playing a role. The consequences of malnutrition in cats are decreased immunocompetence, decreased tissue synthesis and repair, and altered drug metabolism. Nutritional management in cats with weight loss requires constant monitoring and careful calculations by the veterinary technician to address the malnutrition. Constant vigilance and exceptional nursing care will help the patient to manage their malnutrition and facilitate healing and recovery.
Learner Outcomes: • Identify risks associated with undernutrition in cats and how to mitigate these risks • Demonstrate understanding of sarcopenia, cachexia, anorexia and the impact of each on feline nutrition • Identify consequences of malnutrition in cats • Understand and implement a nutritional assessment. • Identify specific nutrients and their role in mitigating weight loss
Learning Objectives:
Identify risks associated with undernutrition in cats and how to mitigate these risks
Demonstrate understanding of sarcopenia, cachexia, anorexia and the impact of each on feline nutrition
Identify consequences of malnutrition in cats
• Understand and implement a nutritional assessment.
• Identify specific nutrients and their role in mitigating weight loss