Chief Human Resources Officer MedVet Wortington, Ohio, United States
Maura A. Stevenson, PhD: No financial relationships to disclose
Presentation Description / Summary: Over the past few years, diversity has been a hot topic - in both positive and negative ways. At its core, diversity is about recognizing, respecting and valuing difference in people, which in turns helps to create an inclusive environment where all team members can participate and solve problems more effectively. Most of us want others to feel welcome and that can be hard to do. This sessions focuses on building awareness of the small things we can do (and avoid) to create and sustain inclusive teams through how we listen, learn and lead. The speaker holds a PhD in psychology, has led diversity initiatives at large organizations, and is a frequent contributor on these topics.
Learner Outcomes: 1) Understand the difference between diversity and inclusion and the importance of both 2) Understand how the Listen, Learn, Lead framework can be used to create a more welcoming environment for others; come away with practical techniques to do all three 3) Understand how common phrases can sometimes get in the way of building inclusive teams and what you should say instead
Learning Objectives:
Understand how Psychological Safety is linked to building an inclusive culture
Build knowledge of phases to "watch out" for that may seem innocuous but may actually make your practice less inclusive
Desribe what each of us can do as individuals to support an inclusive culture in our practices