Nutrition Manager IVC Evidensia Ltd Ivybridge, England, United Kingdom
Nicola A. Lakeman, MSc BSc(Hons) RVN CertSAN CertVNECC VTS(Nutrition): No financial relationships to disclose
Presentation Description / Summary: Probiotics have been widely used and recommended in people to attempt and lessen antimicrobial- associated gastrointestinal signs (AAGS), with occurrence rates of between 1-44%, rates seem to be dependent by antimicrobial type administered. There is empirical data that shows the positive role of probiotics in lessening the potential of AAGS in people. Adverse drug effects, which can include AAGS can affect compliance, in people premature discontinuation of antimicrobials occurs in 6-60% of people due to AAGS. With concerns around antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as part of the One Health initiative, completion of courses of prescribed medications is an important factor in veterinary medicine. The co-administration of a probiotic alongside antimicrobials has demonstrated a three-fold decrease in AAGS in people. The administration of antimicrobials has been shown to cause disturbance in microbiome, predominantly decreasing in diversity of organisms present. Adverse events, especially AAGS have been noted in both cats and dogs, with a range of different antimicrobials, due to these disturbances in the microbiome. AAGS clinical signs from studies and measurements of food intake (overall calorific intake) show to be significantly decreased in the administration of probiotics alongside antimicrobials.
Learner Outcomes: 1. Understand why compliance and concordance is important when being prescribed course of antibiotics, completing the course etc. 2. What methods can be put in place to help with compliance and reduce antimicrobial resistance as part of One Health initiatives. 3. Understand how supporting the gastrointestinal biome when antimicrobials are administered is important in short-term and long term overall health.
Learning Objectives:
Understand why compliance and concordance are important when being prescribed a course of antimicrobials.
Understand methods that can be instigated to help with compliance and reduce antimicrobial resistance as part of One Health initiatives.
Understanding how supporting the gastrointestinal biome when antimicrobials are administered is important in short-term and long-term overall health.