Davis Veterinary Medical (DVM) Consulting, Inc., is a Certified B Corporation® (aka a B Corp) founded by a Board-Certified Veterinary Nutritionist® that provides complete & certified feeding solutions. Its patented Balance It® products to fortify homemade diets are produced in its own GFSI-recognized (the global gold standard accreditation) GRMA-certified facility to meet human dietary supplement standards that exceed not only feed (aka animal) grade but also food (aka human) grade quality. Its Autobalancer® software has been used by over 40,000 veterinarians and most clinically active veterinary nutrition specialists. Together with the new vetnutritionist.AI software, they provide comprehensive & unparalleled assistance with commercially prepared over-the-counter (OTC) & therapeutic pet foods as well as homemade diets.
Balance.it | vetnutritionist.AI
Davis Veterinary Medical Consulting, Inc.
550 S. Campus Way
Davis, CA 95616