Post Doctoral Research Associate
Gastrointestinal Laboratory, Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University
Helsingborg, Skane Lan, Sweden
Linda Toresson graduated from the Swedish University of Agricultural Science in 1995, and later became a Swedish Specialist in diseases of dogs and cats and a Swedish Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine. Since 1996, she has worked at the Evidensia Specialist Animal Hospital, Helsingborg, Sweden and served as the medical director during 2007-2013. She performed a part-time PhD at Helsinki University from 2013-2018. She presented her thesis on oral cobalamin supplementation in hypocobalaminemic dogs in 2018. Dr Toresson has focused exclusively on chronic gastrointestinal disorders in dogs and cats throughout her career, resulting in multiple clinical research projects, several book chapters and 20+ scientific publications.
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