Veterinary Technician Canada West Veterinary Specialists North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Amanda Brackett, RVT, VTS (IM - Oncology): No financial relationships to disclose
A review of metastatic disease in small animal oncology. This program will include discussion of the biology of tumor metastasis, currently available treatment modalities, and areas of investigation in the treatment of metastatic disease. Specific case examples will highlight the potential benefits of discussed treatment modalities to extend and improve quality of life in oncology patients.
Learning Objectives:
The attendee will gain a more thorough knowledge of the biology of tumor metastasis to improve understanding of the mechanisms of action in currently available and investigational treatment modalities.
The attendee will gain knowledge of currently available treatment options for metastatic diseases and the expected outcome and impacts of treatment, including discussion of the technician’s role in treatment and monitoring of quality of life.
The attendee will gain knowledge of investigational therapies or clinical trials that may advance treatment options for metastatic disease in the future.