Veterinary Technician Specialist Triangle Veterinary Referral Hospital Durham, North Carolina, United States
Rebekah Major, RVT, VTS-Neurology: No financial relationships to disclose
Presentation Description / Summary: Feline neurology presents challenging opportunities in performing an accurate neurological exam. Discussion will include best practices for performing a neurologic exam on feline patients. Feline patients can experience a wide array of neurological disease processes- discussion will include case presentation of different neurological disease processes affecting the brain and spinal cord. Discussion will include presentation of clinical findings, differentials, advanced imaging findings and treatment options.
Learner Outcomes: 1) Best practices for neurological exams for feline patients 2) Presentation and treatment of CNS diseases that affect feline patients 3) Presentation and treatment of brain diseases that affect feline patients
Learning Objectives:
demonstrate best practices for performing an accurate neurological exam on feline patients.
recognize spinal cord disorders in feline patients.
recognize metabolic and brain disorders in feline patients.