Assistant Dean, Clinical Programs Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma, United States
Martin Furr, DVM, DIp ACVIM, PhD, MA Ed: No financial relationships to disclose
Presentation Description / Summary: The lecture will consist of a summary of research conducted to determine the factors associated with the finding of positive blood culture in neonatal foals. This study involved 429 neonatal foals admitted to an ICU. Clinical, historical and clinicopathologic data were evaluated using multivariable logistic regression analysis to determine those factors which were associated with increased risk of being blood culture positive. Further analysis describes the differences and similarities in risk factors for gram positive vs gram negative infections. In addition, the concept of Early vs Late onset bloodstream infection is described and risk factors which are associated with those different clinical presentations will be presented.
Learner Outcomes: After listening to this lecture, the learner will: 1) understand the concept of blood stream infection and its relationship to neonatal illness 2) understand the various factors which increase the probability of a foal having a positive blood culture 3) understand the difference between early and late-onset bloodstream infections and the risk factors for each condition
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of the presention, the participant will be able to describe the concept of late vs early-onset blood stream infection (BSI)
Upon completion of the presention, the participant will be able to describe the risk factors associated with late vs early-onset blood stream infection (BSI)
Upon completion of the presention, the participant will be able to describe the risk factors and differences in risk factors associated with gram negative compared to gram positive blood stream infection (BSI)