Veterinary Technician Crown Veterinary Specialists Stockton, New Jersey, United States
Kate McLaughlin, CVT, VTS (Cardiology): No financial relationships to disclose
Presentation Description / Summary: This lecture will review the pathophysiology of degenerative valve disease and focus on the complication of a left atrial rupture. The discussion will include the differences between a caudal wall rupture versus a septal rupture. Diagnosis along with emergency and long term treatment options will be included in the form of case based examples. The lecture will focus heavily on case examples of both rupture types with both positive and negative outcomes.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the pathophysioogy of an atrial rupture as a rare complication of degenerative valve disease.
Understand that treatment options will vary on the type of atrial tear and clinical signs patient develops.
Have confidence to identify when pericardial effusion may be caused by a left atrial rupture vs. other common pericardial effusion presentations.