Training Program Manager Pieper Veterinary Group Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Angela Elia, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC): No financial relationships to disclose
Presentation Description / Summary: The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System is one of the body's most important regulatory systems. In this deep dive into RAAS we will explore the organs, hormones and enzymes that contribute to the system and how they interact to create the RAAS pathway. We will also explore the four classes of RAAS inhibitor drugs and how they work within the system. Join us to break down this complex system in a way that anyone can understand and remember!
Learner Outcomes: 1.Explain what RAAS is, how it is activated and what is does within the body 2.Name the Organs involved in the RAAS system 3. Name the hormones involved in the RAAS system 4. Name the enzymes involved in the RAAS system 5.Explain how RAAS inhibitor drugs work
Learning Objectives:
Explain what RAAS is, how it is activated and what is does within the body
Name the organs and hormones involved in the RAAS system