Training Program Manager Pieper Veterinary Group Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Angela Elia, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC): No financial relationships to disclose
Presentation Description / Summary: As Veterinary Professionals we are at a much higher risk than the general population of being exposed to and contracting zoonotic diseases. In this lecture we will explore several different types of pathogens that veterinary professionals are at risk of contracting. We will look at how these diseases present in our patients and in ourselves. Learn how to protect yourself from these frightening and sometimes life-threatening diseases through proper infectious disease protocols and personal protective equipment.
Learner Outcomes: 1. List and describe viral, fungal and bacterial zoonotic diseases 2. List and describe how zoonotic diseases are transmitted 3. Describe the symptoms caused by each pathogen in both humans and companion animals 4. List and describe several ways to protect yourself from zoonotic disease transmission
Learning Objectives:
List and describe how zoonotic diseases are transmitted
Describe the symptoms caused by each pathogen in both humans and companion animals
List and describe several ways to protect yourself from zoonotic disease transmission