Nova Biomedical, a world leader in point of care and critical care diagnostics, manufactures point-of-care meters for glucose, creatinine, lactate, and ketone testing, and the Stat Profile Prime VET family of blood gas/critical care analyzers with a comprehensive menu of blood gases, electrolytes, chemistry, and hematology for veterinary emergency or critical care testing. The Stat Profile Prime PlusĀ® VET test menu includes pH, PCO2, PO2, Na, K, Cl, iCa, iMg, Glu, Lac, BUN, Creatinine, eGFR, Hct, Hb, SO2%, ePV, and Co-oximetry. Prime Plus VET features maintenance-free simple operation, results in 90 seconds, and low-cost testing. Prime Plus VET provides improved practice profitability through in-house diagnostics. Nova also offers the Nova Vet meter for fast, 10-second blood ketone and glucose monitoring specifically for transition cows.
Nova Biomedical
200 Prospect Street
Waltham, MA 02454